World / Search

Premier Li urges all-out efforts over lost plane

[2014-03-08 19:27]

Premier Li Keqiang called Malaysia prime minster Najib Razak over the missing plane and urged Malaysian authorities to intensify the search and rescue efforts.

Vietnam sends aircraft, marine rescue vessels for search

[2014-03-08 19:11]

Vietnam already has sent aircraft and marine rescue vessels to search for the missing Malaysian plane.

Singapore sends air force plane to search missing Malaysian plane

[2014-03-08 18:00]

Singapore has sent a C130 Hercules aircraft for a search and locate mission for the missing plane of Malaysia Airlines (MAS), which carried 239 people.

Missing plane search turns to Vietnamese islands

[2014-03-08 17:34]

The Civil Aviation Administration of China has been informed by Vietnamese civil aviation authorities that Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore are conducting a joint search for a missing Malaysian plane south of Vietnam's Tho Chu Islands.

Search intensifies for lost Malaysian plane

[2014-03-08 17:03]

China, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia join search efforts for a plane with 154 Chinese on board. Live Report

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