World / Victory parade

Beijing limits use of private vehicles through Sept 3

[2015-08-21 07:00]

Beijing started to restrict the number of private vehicles on its roads on Thursday to ensure blue skies for a major military parade early next month.

China heightens airport security checks ahead of parade

[2015-08-20 16:45]

Airports in Shanghai said on Wednesday that passengers who hide lighters, matches and chargers in their luggage may be sent to the police.

Mexican troops ready to participate in Beijing parade

[2015-08-20 09:41]

Mexican army cadets feel proud and excited for the upcoming participation in the parade of the 70th anniversary of the anti-fascism war to be held on Sep 3 in Beijing.

Kyrgyz soldiers well trained for Beijing V-J Day parade

[2015-08-20 08:47]

For an eye-catching march at Beijing's Tiananmen Square on Sept 3, the Kyrgyz National Guard soldiers have been in intensive training for four months.

12,000 polluters to suspend production

[2015-08-20 07:49]

More than 12,200 coal-fired boilers and factories will halt production to help improve Beijing's air quality before the Sept 3 parade.

Beijing dismisses reports of Abe's China visit in September

[2015-08-19 10:31]

In a statement to China Daily, Foreign Ministry dismisses claims that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit China next month.

Abe visit possible, media report

[2015-08-19 07:31]

Some officials in Tokyo deny that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will start China visit on Sept 3, the day Beijing holds military parade.

Visiting troops for parade begin arriving in capital

[2015-08-18 07:47]

Foreign troops have been gathering in Beijing to prepare for their participation in China's military parade on Sept 3 to mark the 70th anniversary of victory in World War II.

Tian'anmen Square to see major floral tribute

[2015-08-18 07:43]

The height of floral terraces for an upcoming grand parade in Tian'anmen Square and the following National Day will be lowered to make it easier for members of the public to take photographs, according to Beijing's landscape and forestry authority.

China moves to ensure clean air for military parade

[2015-08-17 20:35]

China on Monday unveiled temporary measures to guarantee clean air for the Sept 3 military parade commemorating the end of World War II.

Beijing to replace 11 miles of guardrails on streets

[2015-08-12 19:41]

Beijing will replace guardrails on major downtown streets as it prepares for a military parade and celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the war against Japanese aggression.