World / Victory parade

Female honor guards train for military parade debut

[2015-08-26 07:37]

It is the first time China's female guards of honor will attend a military parade. The guards are all soldiers from Bethune Military Medical College in Shijiazhuang in Hebei province.

V-Day celebration to 'create new national history'

[2015-08-25 21:14]

Beijing is in full swing ahead of a military parade and other activities to mark the end of World War II, which European observers say will be significant events in helping the world know how modern China emerged from its humiliating past.

Official dismisses 'muscle-showing' claims over V-Day events

[2015-08-25 17:47]

Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Ming has dismissed media speculations that China is showing its military muscle and prowess to outside world by hosting the Sept 3 V-Day commemorations.

Vice FM: 'Whoever comes here are all our guests'

[2015-08-25 17:45]

Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Ming brought to mind a popular Chinese saying that "whoever comes here are all our guests" when asked about the foreign figures attending the Sept 3 V-Day commemorations.

Missile launchers tested in drills to march in V-day parade

[2015-08-25 17:27]

Missile launchers on display in China's Sept 3 military parade have fired live ammunition during military training and drills, according to a military source.

Foreign war heroes to attend China's V-Day parade

[2015-08-25 14:13]

Dozens of foreigners acclaimed in China for their contribution during the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression will attend the country's V-Day celebrations on Sept 3, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Ming revealed on Tuesday.

Diplomat: Sept 3 events not targeting any country

[2015-08-25 13:56]

A military parade held in Beijing on Sept 3 to mark the end of World War II is not targeting Japan, said a Chinese official on Tuesday.

'King of staring' in V-day parade's naval marching unit

[2015-08-25 13:54]

Although suffering from trachoma, Fu Jun kept his eyes open for 57 minutes and 24 seconds straight without blinking at the parade rehearsal in Beijing.

DPRK to send high-ranking official to China's V-Day celebrations

[2015-08-25 13:29]

Choe Ryong-hae, a high-level official of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), will attend China's celebrations to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II on Sept 3, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Tuesday.

1,000 foreign troops to march in China's V-Day parade

[2015-08-25 10:56]

Nearly 1,000 foreign troops from 17 countries will participate in China's military parade on Sept 3 in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of World War II victory, a military official said on Friday.

30 heads of state to attend China's V-Day celebrations

[2015-08-25 10:54]

Russian President Vladimir Putin and ROK President Park Geun-hye are among the leaders expected to attend celebrations in Beijing on Sept 3.

Putin to attend China's V-Day celebrations

[2015-08-25 10:40]

A Chinese official has confirmed on Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend China's V-Day celebrations on Sept 3.