World / Victory parade

Yunnan exhibition honors Flying Tigers

[2015-07-07 16:49]

Southwest China's Yunnan province began an exhibition tour of the United States on July 4, to honor American Volunteer Group, commonly known as the "Flying Tigers", as part of commemorations for the 70th anniversary of World War II.

Now and then of July 7 Incident site

[2015-07-07 10:47]

A journalist visited the sites of some old photos about the July 7 Incident.

Chinese veteran refreshes memories of war fighting

[2015-07-07 07:48]

General Xu Yingquan can still remember the gunfire of the battle in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45).

Chinese veterans recall fierce fighting in WWII

[2015-07-07 06:57]

The bloody experience of war is engraved in the memories of Chinese veterans, who attended the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

S. Korean comfort woman victim during WWII passes away

[2015-07-06 11:50]

One more South Korean victim forced to serve as a comfort woman for Japan's Imperial Army during the World War II has passed away, leaving the living victims at 48, an advocacy group for the victims said Monday.

Records on Japan's aggression donated

[2015-07-06 07:28]

More than 1,000 privately owned historical documents that record Japanese militarists' crimes during World War II have been donated to the Museum of Overseas Chinese History in Beijing.

WWII documentary translated into 8 languages

[2015-07-03 14:47]

A Chinese documentary on how Germany and Japan reflected on their wartime atrocities has been translated into eight languages, and is available on major news portals.

Russian participation will 'surprise' V-Day parade

[2015-07-03 04:23]

Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov says that a show by soldiers in the planned Tian'anmen Square parade will have "a surprise".

Overseas experts, media praise China's plans to mark end of WWII

[2015-06-25 00:17]

Overseas experts as well as foreign media have hailed China's plans to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Chinese exhibition on re-education of Japanese war criminals held

[2015-06-24 10:47]

The documentary exhibition on Chinese people re-educating Japanese war criminals in the World War II opened in Moscow at Russia's Great Patriotic War Museum on Tuesday, attracting many local residents.

China thanks western countries while stressing Chinese role in war

[2015-06-23 16:43]

The western and other nations provided "precious support" in China's war against Japanese aggression, a senior official said Tuesday.

China unveils plans for V-Day parade

[2015-06-23 11:12]

China on Tuesday announced plans for this year's celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in World War II, and invited militaries of other countries to participate in a parade at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing on Sept 3.