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China supports global well-being of cyberspace

By Long Jinke ( Updated: 2015-12-17 22:16

The 2nd annual World Internet Conference was opened in Wuzhen, east China's Zhejiang province on Dec. 16. Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a keynote address to more than 2,000 guests from around the world, who are expected to have in-depth discussions on vital issues surrounding the global internet.

The event sets a new landmark for global internet governance in regards to co-sharing and co-governance. China's GDP ranks second in the world, while the country is taking bigger steps with internet development, recognized as the world's “Number ones” in terms of the size of its netizens and websites in operation.

China has over 670 million cyber citizens with more than 4.13 million websites operating. The country has more than 250 million subscribers connected to the 4G network. In the first 10 months of 2015, China's network retail sales have surged 2.95 trillion Yuan with sales volume standing as the highest in the world.

So, how should the "huge population and power" of Chinese cyberspace be treated? That's actually an important issue for every country. Accordingly, the cyberspace management organizations and international netizens, including China, should think rationally and choose wisely. We should understand cyber sovereignty that was first proposed by Beijing.

What does the cyber sovereignty put forward by China mean? President Xi said, "We should respect the right of individual countries to independently choose their own path of cyber development and model of cyber regulation and participate in international cyberspace governance on an equal footing."

No country is endowed with a network hegemony, or the right to interfere in others' domestic affairs. Hence, it's important to be engaged, tolerant or supportive of actions to combat cyber activities that harm the national security of other countries.

Cyber sovereignty was stressed by Beijing to jumpstart communications and cooperation on political interests, industrial and cultural values. China would set foot on network base management, industry co-development and mutual benefits. Xi emphasized a comprehensive global Internet governance system to maintain cyber order.

Nations should promote openness and cooperation to enrich internet content, set up more platforms, encourage bilateral interests and growth points that complement and develop each others' advantages.

More countries should share the fruits of Internet expansion. Governments should not conduct cyber-espionage to grab technical advantages over rivals. They should not sacrifice other countries' benefits and to respect privacy rights.

Beijing pledges to respect cyber sovereignty, and to maintain peace and security. 670 million Chinese netizens stand for the emerging power of Chinese youth. It is impossible to establish a good global information and industrial order until the internet is managed properly.

Beijing intends to lead national cyber cultural dissemination, economic and industrial growth and values into a steady, harmonious, united and healthy way, and not the reverse direction. All nations should develop cyber techniques and those countries that lag behind should consider exploring internet governance that meets their conditions.

Regulating cyber public policy and technical development could reduce harm caused by an unrestrained internet. A rational order in the cyberspace with a huge netizen market would enhance global cyberspace well-being.

The author is a researcher with Network Public Opinion Research Center, Electronic Science and Technology Information Institute, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

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