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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Migrant buyers blocked by tough new property policy

    2011-02-17 08:20

    Millions of migrant families in Beijing will be blocked from owning their own homes under strict new regulations aimed at cooling the capital's property market.

  • CCTV axe magician's goldfish trick from festival showcase

    2011-02-16 07:56

    Executives at China Central Television have assured viewers that no live animal acts will feature in its annual Lantern Festival show after a protest by animal protection groups.

  • Fireworks ban rolled out to reduce blaze dangers

    2011-02-16 07:56

    Fire chiefs have tightened the capital's restrictions on where people can set off fireworks during Lantern Festival, it was announced on Monday.

  • Walls protecting ancient relics in real danger: study

    2011-02-15 07:53

    Some of Beijing's most ancient structures are seriously degraded, according to an ongoing conservation study.

  • LGBT group's kissing plan cancelled

    2011-02-15 07:22

    A Valentine's Day kissing contest that homosexual couples had hoped to take part in was cancelled at the last minute by organizers.

  • Sweepers grit and bear it

    2011-02-14 07:49

    Street cleaners across Beijing were working 12-hour shifts with almost no breaks on Sunday to clear the snow after it blanketed the city's roads and pavements.

  • Fair trade proves boon for business

    2011-02-10 10:58

    Beijing's traditional temple fairs, already a hit with revelers, have this year proved a major marketplace for local enterprises to boost revenues and reputations.

  • Praying for love at temple fairs

    2011-02-09 08:18

    Temple fairs, which are traditionally held throughout the Spring Festival holidays, are fast becoming one of the hottest matchmaking spots in the capital.

  • Fireworks put city on red alert

    2011-01-31 07:53

    Against the backdrop of the capital's lengthy drought, which has continued for about 100 days, and the resulting elevated fire risk, firefighters have been ramping up their efforts to contain the danger.

  • Beijing's big dry set to stretch the record

    2011-01-31 07:26

    Jan 30 was the capital city's 84th snow-free day this winter, making it the longest winter period without snow in Beijing since records began 60 years ago.

  • Fire risk rises for parched capital

    2011-01-27 07:41

    The capital's lengthy drought, which has culminated in almost 100 completely dry days, is raising the fire risk and threatening local agriculture.

  • Teams will dig deep to bury illegal pits

    2011-01-26 07:59

    Special teams will scour the landscape in search of illegal mines as a city district ramps up its efforts to combat the dangerous industry.
