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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Driving schools at end of road

    2011-01-25 07:54

    Companies that offer top-up driving instruction services have seen a sharp fall in business since the local authorities started to restrict the number of new cars allowed on the city's streets.

  • Gas station rules extinguish risk

    2011-01-24 09:27

    Drivers will not be allowed to fill up their gas tanks while Spring Festival fireworks are exploding in large numbers around them in a move that the Beijing Administration of Work Safety says could prevent a tragedy.

  • School bus project set to hit road in Zhongguancun

    2011-01-19 07:58

    Three primary schools in Zhongguancun, China's silicon valley, will trial a school bus program this year.

  • Capital to float new ways to save water

    2011-01-18 07:47

    The city is set to launch new regulations aimed at mopping up waste of the capital's water, according to an official from the Beijing Water Authority (BWA) on Monday.

  • Advisors hail taxis as gridlock fix

    2011-01-17 08:09

    Local political advisors urged the authorities to cut down on the startling number of empty seats in taxis as Beijing's traffic became a hot topic at the ongoing legislative session.

  • Housing price, congestion harass Beijing

    2011-01-16 13:52

    Soaring housing prices and traffic congestion are among the major bottlenecks that harass Beijing's social and economic development.

  • Substandard public project to be torn down

    2011-01-14 07:42

    The municipal government has, in a rare move, ordered a government-subsidized housing project in the city to be torn down because of shoddy construction.

  • Holdout shall not be moved

    2011-01-13 08:05

    The last "nail household" owner on Chaoyang Road is determined to stay in her property even though she has been told to vacate her house in 15 days.

  • Capital looks below ground to grow

    2011-01-12 08:00

    Beijing is set to tap into its underground space on a large scale this year with the central districts of Chaoyang, Xicheng and Dongcheng as well as Tongzhou all putting forward ambitious plans.

  • Grassroots supervisors help watch over prosecutors' office

    2011-01-11 07:59

    The city's procurators - Beijing's equivalent of the United States' district attorneys - will be monitored by a team of 119 members of the public under a new initiative that aims to ensure prosecutors' fairness is beyond question.

  • New car license applications surpass quota

    2011-01-10 08:07

    Only one in 12 drivers hoping to license new vehicles in the national capital will be able to do so, figures released by the city's transport authorities on Sunday showed.

  • Would-be buyers driven to rent

    2011-01-06 08:10

    Car rental agencies have been enjoying a boom in business ever since new restrictions made it harder for people to buy an automobile in the capital.
