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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

  • Stations will not be closed

    2010-11-09 08:02

    Despite the fact that the capital's subways will likely be under heavy pressure this winter, there are no plans to limit the number of passengers entering stations, says the network's operator.

  • China's longest subway to open in Beijing

    2010-11-04 08:32

    China's longest subway, stretching 50 kilometers running southwest to northwest of Beijing, will begin its trial run by the end of 2010, sources with the subway company said Wednesday.

  • Traditional artisans find it hard to carve out a future

    2010-11-04 08:05

    Traditional Chinese craftsmanship in Beijing could disappear, even though the government has been trying hard to help it develop and prosper.

  • Hard line for soft concrete

    2010-11-03 08:21

    More supervision after buildings condemned for shoddy materials

  • Trademarks a growing concern

    2010-11-02 07:51

    Companies are urged to protect their brands

  • Hebei to build three new cities around Beijing

    2010-11-02 06:24

    Hebei province plans to build three new cities, Jingdong (which means east of Beijing), Jingnan (south of Beijing) and Jingbei (north of Beijing), China National Radio reported.

  • Help offered to newly rich

    2010-11-01 07:32

    Farmers who were compensated for relocation get valuable assistance

  • Women eager to join up

    2010-10-28 08:21

    Women wanting to join the military will have to jump through more hoops this year, according to the Beijing municipal recruitment office.

  • Early heat wishful thinking

    2010-10-27 08:15

    Heating in Beijing is unlikely to be turned on early this year as three local government departments agreed on Tuesday that the weather is unlikely to drop below 5 C before November.

  • City digs in to save trees

    2010-10-26 08:03

    While old trees in Beijing are getting treatment as part of the city's rejuvenation program, experts are expressing concern about the effects of environmental degradation on the city's most ancient residents.

  • Mixed feelings about running in the rain

    2010-10-25 08:00

    Marathon a success despite the cold temperatures and wet weather

  • Dogs' plight stuns woman

    2010-10-21 08:29

    Pets heading for dinner table prompts Beijinger to take action
