China / center

Affair sparks abortion dispute

[2006-08-29 08:55]

Millionaire turns to crime for kicks

[2006-08-29 08:55]

A millionaire from Fengxiang Town of Jiangsu Province was recently arrested by police for committing numerous thefts, which he says he did for excitement.

Water buffalo falls down well

[2006-08-29 08:55]

Transsexual not allowed to compete for Miss Shenzhen title

[2006-08-25 17:34]

Li Guohua, a transsexual from Anhua County, Hunan Province, was refused entrance to the Miss Shenzhen competition by the organizing committee, which cited age and certain restrictions as reasons.

Elderly woman is actually elderly man

[2006-08-25 08:53]

Genetic testing in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, recently revealed a 70-year-old "woman" surnamed Zhang to be, in fact, a man.
