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"Why don't you go back to the US?"

When friends or acquaintances pose the question in real life, the query is often followed by a string of America's positive attributes; good air, medical care, education system, etc. This list is punctuated by an expression of disbelief that I choose to stay here in China.

Running through the haze becomes first Chinese lesson

As a former champion runner back in the United Kingdom a few years ago - OK, many years ago - I learned the importance of timing.

Explore historic sites in Haidian district

As an important part of the China-France Culture Year, the government of Dongsheng town in Beijing’s Haidian district held an event to explore historic sites on March 24, attracting folk experts and journalists.

Obama family charmed by Chinese hosts

Obama family charmed by Chinese hosts

Dreamer who turned into a blessed fool

One of the people Chinese President Xi Jinping is due to meet when he is in the French city of Lyon is the writer and translator Li Tche-Houa.

Anger OK, but act appropriately

Anger is not wrong. I know this statement seems shocking and contradicts conventional wisdom. I know it is an anathema to the wildly popular “Positive Thinking” movement, which urges us to “be full of positive energy” and “let go of our anger.” However, the truth is that anger is just an emotion, and emotions are not inherently right or wrong. Our emotions are commonly referred to as ”feelings” because they are just that, feelings within us. We do not consciously choose them. We do, on the other hand, choose our behaviors and means of expressing our emotions. These choices and behaviors are right or wrong and there are definitely appropriate and inappropriate means of expression.

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