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China needs to reduce family violence

With fresh bruises on my face and body, I sat in a smoke-filled, fluorescent-lit Beijing police station with my crying two-year-old in my arms. I was incredulous at the reaction from the duty officers.

Crossing bridges

The elder two girls went off to meet their new teachers with a quick wave goodbye, and smiles. But my youngest daughter was a different story.

Another reality for French rocker

Matthieu Chedid, the French rock singer-songwriter, who is better known by his stage name -M-, had too much emotion to deal with during his first tour in China in 2010. He saw the Great Wall, experienced three unforgettable shows and had his first collaboration with a Chinese musician, Shanghai-based Cha Cha.

Getting back to the essence of art

ChiFra displays more than 100 works, largely paintings and some sculptures, of Chinese and French artists who are active in their circles.

Louvre wonders come to China

After two centuries standing at the Louvre, Diana de Gabies leaves France for the first time and greets viewers at a Chinese museum, as a warm-up to celebrate the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries five decades ago.

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