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Dirt and glory capture Beijing living

Expat troubles are a new topic among directors in Chinese and European independent cinema. From the follies of Chinese living abroad and Americans living in China, there is a wealth of ridiculousness to be parodied, from linguistic high jinks through to any number of cultural faux pas.

Did you do anything beautiful today?

As the mother of three girls, my home is constantly awash in a sea of Barbie dresses, princess magazines and other assorted “girl paraphernalia”. I sometimes even lovingly refer to the three of them as my “princess team”. When my princess team and I head out on the town, we often encounter exclamations of “How beautiful!” “The eldest/middle/youngest is the prettiest!” or “They all are good looking!” before we even exit our building’s elevator.

A hop, skip and a jump to nowhere

An old proverb says: "Pride goeth before a fall." However, I never really knew what it meant until my trip to the museum.

Rock 'n' roll diplomacy for Beijing's Carsick Cars

When it comes to major events that celebrate Chinese culture, organizers tend to go with the obvious: Terracotta Warriors? Check. Shaolin monks? Check. Ubiquitous red decorations? Check.

Do-it-yourself air

When Beijing was hit with horrific bad smog in early 2013, one group of friends saw past the fog to a bright spark of opportunity - creating and selling homemade air filter kits.

Not quite a royal flush

We entered the courtyard, with its tiny garden area and quaint decorations, and we instantly fell in love with the place.

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