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Next to the Forbidden City and Houhai, Nanluoguxiang is the most famous and popular hutong in Beijing.

Museum preserves hutong history

Beijing's hutong, the traditional narrow alleys that wind through the city, are struggling to survive, slowly disappearing in the name of modernization.

Culture Expo

The 8th China Beijing International Culture & Creation Industry Expo (ICCIE) will open at the China International Exhibition Center, on Nov 6, in Beijing.

Hutong threatened by illegal construction

Rampant illegal construction has put Beijing's historic hutong in danger of disappearing.

London mayor rides subway in Beijing

London mayor Boris Johnson rides the Beijing subway Line 1 on Tuesday, October 15, 2013.

Snapshots of Beijing hutongs

Hutong is one of the many labels associated with old Beijing, not only because of its distinctive architectural style which is long and winding, with houses standing along two sides of a narrow road, but also because of the people who live there and the life they lead.

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