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China glad to see warming India-Pakistan ties

China glad to see warming India-Pakistan ties

Updated: 2012-04-09 19:43


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BEIJING - China welcomed Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari's trip to India and the improving ties between the two neighbors.

"China is glad to see the improvement in India-Pakistan relations through dialogue and cooperation," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin at a regular press briefing.

Commenting on a question regarding Zardari's India visit, Liu said both India and Pakistan are important nations in South Asia, and play important roles in peace and prosperity in the region.

Zardari paid a one-day private visit to India on Sunday, which was the first visit by a Pakistani president to India in seven years.

Zardari and Indian Prime Minister Singh discussed wide-ranging issues. Zardari invited Singh to visit Pakistan and the Indian prime minister accepted the invitation.