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China Daily Website

Full text: Report on China's economic, social development plan

Updated: 2011-03-18 15:00
( Xinhua)

2.  We will adhere to the strategy of expanding domestic demand, especially consumer demand, and maintain steady and rapid economic development.

1) We will further increase consumer demand. This year, total retail sales of consumer goods are expected to increase 16%. We will intensify efforts to adjust income distribution, increase government spending used to improve and expand consumption, and increase subsidies to farmers and low-income urban residents. We will continue to implement the policies of subsidizing rural residents' purchase of home appliances and providing subsidies for trading in old home appliances, implement preferential policies to encourage people to buy energy-efficient and new energy vehicles, and promote more widespread use of energy-efficient products. We will vigorously develop new consumption formats such as e-commerce, and spur consumption in the areas of culture, travel and fitness. We will promote chain-store operations and unified distribution in rural areas, and optimize the layout of urban commercial networks. We will rectify and standardize markets and protect consumers' legitimate rights and interests.

2) We will maintain a rational scale of investment while improving the investment structure. Total fixed-asset investment is expected to increase 18% nationwide in 2011. We will make full use of the role of government investment in guiding structural adjustments. We will allocate 382.6 billion yuan from the central government budget for investment, a decrease of 10 billion yuan from last year; give priority to ensuring funding for key ongoing projects, and begin construction on the major projects in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan in an orderly manner. Investment funds from the central government budget will mainly be used to support development of low-income housing; water conservancy facilities; agricultural and rural infrastructure; education and health infrastructure; independent innovation, energy conservation, emissions reduction, ecological improvement and environmental protection; and economic and social development in the central and western regions, especially Tibet, Tibetan ethnic areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai, and Xinjiang. We will earnestly implement the policy on encouraging and guiding development of nongovernmental investment issued by the State Council and continue to work hard on formulating supporting measures, in order to promote steady increases in nongovernmental investment and optimize its structure. We will steadfastly tailor guidance to different circumstances, guarantee some expenditures while reducing others, resolutely control haphazard and redundant development in sectors that are energy-intensive or highly polluting or have excess production capacity, and improve the quality of and returns on investment.

3) We will do a good job of regulating economic activities. We will improve the coordination of coal production and transportation with demand; strengthen the demand-side management of power; balance supply and demand of crude oil, refined petroleum products and natural gas and properly handle distribution of emergency supplies; and guarantee the transportation of key goods and materials.
