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Zhang Xin

Scratching the surface?

The phrase means dealing with something at the superficial level. 2012-05-18 11:23

Keep his feet to the fire

It means keeping up the pressure until the goal is achieved. 2012-05-15 14:31

Last time I checked

The phrase is used for emphasis and perhaps with a bit of sarcasm. 2012-05-11 10:28

Look the other way

It suggests intentional negligence to avoid trouble, shirt responsibility. 2012-05-08 14:36

Heads I win, tails you lose

It describes a situation where one party winning always no matter what. 2012-05-04 11:28

Ripple effect

It means sth. has far reaching influences, like a ripple that causes waves. 2012-04-27 15:14

Written all over it?

This expression means something shows a certain quality expressly. 2012-04-24 10:23

The penny has dropped

Everything will be clear after the penny drops. 2012-04-20 13:08

The straight and narrow?

"Straight and narrow" represents the strict but correct line of path. 2012-04-17 15:49

Don’t wear it on your sleeve

If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you show your emotions. 2012-04-13 13:52

Leaving it at that

To "leave it at that" is to abstain from further comment or action. 2012-04-10 11:18

A qualified ‘yes’?

A qualified answer is an answer with strings attached. 2012-04-06 11:16

Small beer?

Small beer means something petty and insignificant. 2012-03-30 13:33

Take the heat?

"Heat" may also refer to the mental pressure one endures. 2012-03-27 13:22

Forks in the road?

Forks in the road represent major changes of direction in life. 2012-03-23 15:18

Stay the course?

Yes, go the full distance, not quitting midway. 2012-03-20 11:18

The meaning of war is lost on him?

The meaning of sth getting lost on someone means having no effect on someone. 2012-03-16 11:04

Don’t take it to heart

Not to take it to heart means not to take it too seriously. 2012-03-13 10:54

Apple’s ‘fig leaf’?

Fig leaf means a thing to cover up. 2012-03-09 17:04

Stuff happens?

To say "Stuff happens" is to say: Things like that happen a lot. 2012-03-06 10:36



Raymond Zhou
周黎明,Raymond Zhou,中国日报资深专栏作家,用地道英语撰写社会、娱乐等题材的评论文章。