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Zhang Xin

To a fare-thee-well

“To a fare-thee-well”means “to the highest degree”. 2009-09-18 10:27

To each his own

"To each his own" means people are entitled to entertaining strange ideas. 2009-09-15 15:40

Writing on the wall

“Writing on the wall”is synonymous with danger and especially inevitable doom. 2009-09-11 11:14

Best of both worlds

When one has the best of both worlds, he has two improbably things at the same time. 2009-09-08 11:27

Run its course?

If something runs its course, it gets to complete its natural cycle of birth and death. 2009-09-04 09:41

Fat chance

“Fat chance”means the chances are slim or means no chance at all. 2009-09-01 13:41

He teaches ill, who teaches all

Always leave room for the pupil to think things over and work out solutions by himself. 2009-08-28 13:52

The devil you know…

Dealing with strangers is deemed riskier than dealing with familiar foes. 2009-08-25 13:10

Country mile 远距离

What does “country mile” mean? A country mile is a long distance. 2009-08-21 12:51

Dog years?

"I’m aging in dog years" means "I’m growing old fast." 2009-08-18 14:55

Big wig

The bigwigs are people of chief importance, i.e. the VIPs. 2009-08-14 11:40

Paradigm shift

Paradigm shift simply represents any fundamental change in our collective thinking. 2009-08-11 13:14

Lord it over?

To “lord it over” others is to rule like God or a tyrannical king. 2009-08-07 15:43

Hair shirt?

Hairshirt is a shirt made from animal hair or rough cloth,uncomfortable to wear. 2009-08-04 14:17

Pound for pound

The word "pound-for-pound" is a boxing term, meaning taking a fighter's actual weight into account. 2009-07-31 15:59

Wiggle room

wiggle room means small space for maneuver, hence for flexibility and different options. 2009-07-28 13:22

Machiavellian quality

The typical politician will lie to you without batting an eye if he can profit from doing so.

2009-07-24 14:05

Did him in?

To “do someone in” is a slang term for killing someone, or making him fail, tired, etc. 2009-07-21 13:14

Runner's high

Runner’s high refers to the elation experienced by runners, especially while running long distance. 2009-07-17 14:00

Seismic shift

Seismic shift points to BIG, major, complete and often unexpected changes. 2009-07-14 13:52

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Raymond Zhou
周黎明,Raymond Zhou,中国日报资深专栏作家,用地道英语撰写社会、娱乐等题材的评论文章。