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China Daily Website

Village of ringmasters

Updated: 2013-02-20 10:19
By Zhang Yue ( China Daily)

"When the first annual international circus art festival was held in Suzhou in 2006, we tried to attract audiences with programs such as tigers and lions jumping through the rings of flames," says 58-year-old Zhang Yongheng, who has been working with circus performers for years.

"But this program was immediately canceled by the State Forestry Bureau, because animals are generally very afraid of fire."

Village of ringmasters

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Chao Yuezhan, a 31-year-old animal trainer from Henan province, is working with a troupe in Suzhou, taking care of and training three tigers, three lions and two bears. He and his elder brother have been doing this for over three years.

"We normally cooperate with zoos and parks where tourists gather and charge extra for the circus performance," Chao says. "But in 2011, some zoos stopped this because there was criticism from the public and animal protection groups."

"That was when our income was cut by about 20 percent," Xu recalls.

"Keeping all the animals costs about 40,000 yuan per month, and feeding them is about 300 yuan a day."

Xu, like every circus owner, keeps his animals well fed no matter how bad business is. If the animals get hungry, they get dangerous.

For Xu and other circus owners, the solution is to create new performances that can circumvent criticisms. And they get rewarded for their efforts.

The Yongqiao district government gives out subsidies that range from 30,000 to 50,000 yuan for innovative ringmasters who can create new circus acts that do not violate animal protection regulations.

Village of ringmasters

Village of ringmasters

Zheng Guowu, 59, is also from Haogou village, and he has made a reputation for himself as a trainer of small animals such as dogs and monkeys after 30 years working with the creatures.

He is still very passionate about his skills, but his son has refused to follow in his footsteps, saying this is something that "cannot feed the family".

This is another problem the "home of Chinese circus" is facing - few from the next generation are willing to take up the business.

"There were about 20,000 people working in circuses in Suzhou, but now the number has been greatly reduced," Zhang says.

"Part of the reason is that regulations for trading and training the animals are now more stringent and more complicated."

During the Spring Festival this year, Suzhou put up a three-day circus performance near its newly built railway station. It was a rare performance, because while the area is famous for its circus troupes, the locals seldom get to see them because they are off touring the rest of the country more often than not.

So why now?

"We want to motivate more young people to join the circus as professionals," Zhang says.

For the young people of Suzhou, they have to be persuaded to join the circus, and none, so far, had to run away from home as yet.

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