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Private museums increasingly under spotlight

Updated: 2013-08-02 14:47
By Zheng Jinran in Shijiazhuang ( China Daily)

 Private museums increasingly under spotlight

The animal head sculptures exhibited at Jibaozhai Museum are porcelain, not bronze, novelist Ma Boyong wrote in his blog. Provided to China Daily

Free appraisals

Calls to Wei have gone unanswered since the closure. Previously, however, he said the museum was visited by 3,000 students a year and had been classed by the city as a Grade 3A scenic spot and "a patriotic education center".

So how did an illegal attraction with potentially hundreds of fake artifacts win such support?

"Private museums are allowed to have some replicas, but they should be clearly labeled so visitors aren't cheated, which is what has not happened at Jibaozhai Museum," Li explained, adding: "We can provide free appraisals of relics."

Yet he conceded that, in most cases, once a private museum is licensed they receive no supervision from the government.

"Collections at private museums are owned by individuals," he said. "It's not appropriate to check them frequently, as it's like going to someone's home and checking their belongings."

Yao Yuanli, who runs a private museum in Beijing, said the lack of management nationwide is hindering the development of a booming sector.

Jibaozhai Museum is not an isolated case, he said. "Many private museums have a large amount of forgeries, especially those that have not been approved legally."

Plus, he added, cultural projects can mean the allocation of precious commercial land and funding from the government.

Jibaozhai Museum started with an investment of 54 million yuan ($8.8 million), mainly from the Erpu village committee, which used what was left of the income generated by an iron factory it had run until 2006. The attraction also received an annual subsidy of about 600,000 yuan from Jizhou government.

It occupies four hectares, and since it opened surrounding land has been sold to property developers, bringing in millions for Erpu.

Ma Weidu, an antiques collector and curator at Guanfu Museum, which has branches in Hangzhou and Xiamen, recently told China Radio International the larger the museum, the more opportunities it has to get land from local governments.

Private museums increasingly under spotlight

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