Shanxi gains economic developmental momentum

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Updated: 2012-03-12

The Shanxi provincial government held a conference to discuss the economic situation of the first six months of 2011 on July 13, with Niu Renliang, the vice-governor, on hand to speak about developments.

Niu said the province had maintained rapid, but steady economic growth in the first half, characterized by coordinated investment, consumption and exports. The primary, secondary and tertiary industries together showed rapid growth in the aggregate. Enterprises also showed sound performance overall, with revenues increasing at fast rates. Fixed assets investment grew, as did non-state investment.

In the first three months of 2012, Shanxi had a record high in raw coal output, contributing greatly to industrial growth.

Thanks to progress in expressway and housing construction, and industrial restructuring, the province maintained good growth in key projects and ranked second in China in expressway spending. It managed to keep its in safe production record. State-owned assets also grew.

Shanxi government-administered companies were among China’s most advanced in total assets, revenues and economy and had greater profits and paid more taxes.

Niu said that departments at all levels should pay more attention to any problems that emerge, including financial and inflationary problems. He asked them to have good performance, pay closer attention to economic shifts, monitor operations more closely, and find effective ways to ensure rapid, steady growth in 2012.