Yellow River Hukou Falls

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Updated: 2012-03-12

The Hukou Falls of the Yellow River are found between Jixian county in Shanxi province, and Yichuan county in Shaanxi province, 25 kilometers from the Jixian county seat.

Yellow River Hukou Falls

The falls have mountains on both sides and the Yellow River gushing from a gigantic ditch, 30 meters wide and 50 meters deep, among the rocks. The roaring river flows at great speed, like horses in stampede intruding, with tumbling waves at the bottom. The river can be heard miles away. Because of the bubbling water, the site is called Hukou, or Mouth of [the giant] Pot.

Yellow River Hukou Falls

According to legend, in antiquity, floods had devoured the whole earth and mankind along with only one man, Fu, and his sister, Nu Wa, surviving the deluge. They fled to the mountain peaks above and saw the misery below and grieved for mankind. The siblings could not marry so they devised a scheme, standing atop two peak and tossing stones down to fill the gap.

Yellow River Hukou Falls

Yellow River Hukou Falls

If the stones joined as one, it would show that God approved of their being tied together in matrimony. They cast down two stones that instantly changed into one shining blue stone, giving them hope. The sister gave birth to many boys and girls, and afterwards humanity came, generation after generation. For this reason, the Yellow River is called the cradle of mankind.

The Weifeng (power and prestige) drum performance, which originated in the Yellow River area, comes from the magnificent roar of the Hukou Falls.