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Tianjin Daily life
Tianjin Medical University provides free summer clinics
| Updated: 2014-07-21 16:05:07 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

Tianjin Medical University social practice base opened in Sungezhuang autonomous prefecture on July 16. Volunteers from the University distributed school supplies and medical kits to students. They also made connections with students from poor families,promising to write a letter, make a phone call, go for a visit, do house work, do good deeds, as well as supply some school and living provisions every semester.

After the ceremony, the experts from the University organized health examinations and clinical consultations. The volunteers from the Angel art ensemble also gave a performance to students.

Volunteers from the University came to Jin County on July 17 after their visit to Sungezhuang. They gave speeches, made epidemiological investigations , and organized consulting services regarding diseases. The young experts from the University brought all their equipment with them and went to the countryside in the early of morning. They gave health information and health treatment to people who live in the countryside.


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