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General facts

2012-12-03 16:02Tianjin, with Bohai Sea to its east and with Beijing and Hebei province to its west, lies on the North China Plain covering a land area of 11,917.3 square kilometers.


2018-04-19 11:10Information of the People's Government of Tianjin Municipality

Brief introduction

2012-12-05 16:01The five opportunities refer to the joint development of Tianjin, Beijing and Hebei Province; the development of the Free Trade Pilot Zone; the development of National Model Area for Innovation; the development of the “Belt and Road” and the development of Binhai New Area.

Visa Application

2018-04-19 11:10The Chinese visa authorities may issue a diplomatic, courtesy, service or ordinary visa to a foreigner according to his identity, purpose of visit to China and passport type.

Economic Overview

2012-03-23 15:58In the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, Tianjin unswervingly sped up the mode change of its economic development.


2018-04-19 11:10Do I need to have my ID with me when I am not at home?

Tianjin Binhai New Area

2018-04-19 11:10Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) is situated north of the North China Plain, at the junction of the Shandong and Liaodong peninsulas, close to Beijing and Tianjin.

Useful info

2018-04-19 11:10Tianjin's legal holidays, business and office hours, communication, useful telephone numbers, handing emergencies, currency and currency exchange, voltage and socket, time difference.

Marine environment

2018-04-19 11:10The city of Tianjin sits on the western edge of the Bohai Sea, south of the Yanshan Mountains, and east of Beijing, on an area that was formed by sedimentary deposits of nine rivers.

Brief introduction

2012-12-05 16:01Tianjin is located in the northeast of the North China Plain in the Bohai Sea area. With rivers traveling through the city, Tianjin has been a water resource since ancient times.

Economic overview

2012-03-23 15:58As one of the first industrial bases in China, Tianjin has cultivated eight pillar industries since 2007.


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