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Tianjin Daily life
Tianjin solves residents' difficulties in medical consulting
| Updated: 2014-12-12 17:16:02 | By Liu Yiyi (chinadaily.com.cn) |

The Tianjin Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning has launched a great many measures to solve the difficulties of medical consulting, which include the rotation of hundreds of medical experts into communities, an optimized medical service process, and the management of medication fees.

Wang Yongding, an elder citizen who received cervical spondylosis treatment at a community health center in Nankai district in Tianjin said, "Now medical experts from renowned hospitals can provide medical services in community health centers on a regular schedule. Thank to this measure, residents can consult medical experts without stepping out of their community."

In order to deal with the weakness in medical services at a community level, Tianjin's Commission of Health and Family Planning has launched a program to send 100 medical experts in batches to provide medical services in districts and counties in Tianjin.

Until now, surgeons and physicians from more than 20 third-level medical institutions have provided medical services in nine districts and counties and have held up to 120 training sessions for 6,000 community doctors on professional medical techniques of different proficiencies, among which, a total of 192 community doctors have received one-on-one training.

In addition, hospitals in Tianjin have launched many services for residents' and have optimized the medical service process.

Hospitals, such as Tianjin Hospital, Chest Hospital, Cancer Hospital, Nankai Hospital, and the Fifth Central Hospital, have launched services including a care-free system and nutrition meals, which guarantee the patients' convenient and relieving stays.

Concerning the management of medication fees, Tianjin's Commission of Health and Family Planning has implemented a tracking mechanism for self-checking and monitoring.

In addition, the commission has also analyzed the reasons for unreasonable medication fees and has reset the standards for the charges of emergency department services which have formalized the medical service fees system.

A total of 16 medication service programs and the limitation of the charging standards have been canceled. The charges of affiliated departments have also been formalized. Moreover, the commission has researched and formulated policies concerning the price adjustments of public hospitals.


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