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Tianjin launches entrepreneurship cafés
| Updated: 2015-09-09 18:27:26 | By Liu Yiyi (chinadaily.com.cn) |

Beta Café, Cheku Café, and 3W Café, have combined entrepreneurship incubators with coffee shops. The idea has been expanded to Kemao Street, the Zhongguancun of Tianjin.

The cafés, road shows, and ambitious participants inject innovation, energy, and ambition to technological circles in Tianjin.

A road show to solve difficulties for young entrepreneurs and reduce risks was held in the café of the Caomao Public Entrepreneurship Space close to Kemao Street. Many teams brought their projects to communicate with on-site tutors and investors. Through the road show, start ups received professional tutoring and financial support.

Such communication activities are held every week, said Fa Zhuo, director of the Caomao Public Entrepreneurship Space. Fa started her entrepreneurship in the Internet and mobile Internet areas with her husband after graduation and has provided services to more than ten thousand enterprises in the past decade. According to her experience, apart from fundraising, establishing a suitable team is the most important part.

On one hand, through serial trainings, the public entrepreneurship space cultivates traditional businesses with business patterns and ideas based on the Internet to drive transition and upgrade of the businesses.

On the other hand, the space establishes resource platforms to form suitable teams for startups, said Fa. Caomao’s café integrates operational experience from other entrepreneurship cafés and is built under the theme of the famous animation One Piece. The café customizes multiple services according to needs of entrepreneurs.

The entrepreneurs are separated into different groups. The teams focused on decision making are called “Caomao Captain”, the teams focused on crowd funding are called “Caomao First Mate”, teams focused on professional tutoring are “Caomao Helmsmen”, teams focus on services are called “Caomao Navigator”, team focus on technologies are called “Caomao Geeks”, and teams focus on learning are called “Caomao Sailor”.

The café provides services such as training, business services, angel investment, entrepreneurship factory, incubation, big data and cloud storage. It has an integrated and complete platform for work, networking, social activities, and resource integration.

The Caomao Public Entrepreneurship Space has developed seed funding, and services relying on entrepreneurship tutor teams. It hosts presentations, trainings, and experience sharing events.

“Caomao represents the navigation spirit. Caomao and its partners will navigate together on the road of entrepreneurship,” said Fa.


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