Li Bingxian only wanted to be a serious leather craftsman. At first, he would help his friends with their work. Gradually, there were more and more people who would come to him and ask Li to do the manual work for them. His little studio sees quite a lot of returning customers. The newly rented studio is located in Changde Road. It is completely hidden away in an old and quiet alley, simple but especially suitable for quiet work. Ono Jiro once said, “When a person spends all his life to do one thing, he will get the respect of others”. Li often uses this sen-tence to encourage himself. He likes the slow but often tedious work. Some things need time to be properly pre-pared and polished, like leather, which over its long lifetime can show a special spirit in its color, in its creases and the feelings imparted by its creator and its owner. He is serious about every order and pays careful attention to the details. He wants each piece to be is worthy of his efforts and that every piece of work is one of great value.
A real craftsman must have perseverance and concentration, however at the same time, he needs an open and in-trospective heart to give his works a spirit and soul. In Li Bingxian's opinion, the greatest feature of his handmade pieces are the parts of himself that he puts into them.