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Tianjin Daily life
Clapper talker embodies and promotes Tianjin art
| Updated: 2017-03-07 17:24:41 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

Li Shaojie, a master of Tianjin clapper talk, has established a training center to promote this Tianjin art to more people and teach children the performance style's techniques. The training institute has attracted many clapper talk enthusiasts and many children have already become good clapper talkers under Li's guidance.

Tianjin clapper talk was created in the 1950s and has been incorporated with music, which improves appreciation of the performances. Meanwhile, the actor's lines have to be neatly paralleled and be delivered with rhythm and symmetry.

Clapper talker embodies and promotes Tianjin art

Li Shaojie demonstrates to children the skills of clapper talk performances. [Photo/Xinhua]

Clapper talker embodies and promotes Tianjin art

Clapper enthusiasts and parents take photos while Li teaches a group of children. [Photo/Xinhua]


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