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200 shared cars revving up in Tianjin
| Updated: 2017-04-26 09:36:23 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

Gofun, a car rental brand from Shouqi Group, will soon enter the Tianjin market. Their 200 new energy vehicles will be placed around Hexi, Hedong, and Nankai districts, and the company expects to field 600 cars by the end of June, which will cover the whole urban area and suburbs of Tianjin.

The first Gofun shared cars will be put into use in large residential areas and near universities. For the sake of convenience, Gofun uses new energy vehicles in case of traffic or pollution control conditions.

To date, Gofun cars have been used in Beijing, Shanghai, and Xiamen.

Rules for using Gofun

If a user wants to rent a car they should download the app "Gofun". They then register with their phone number, provide proof of identify using an ID card and driving license, and pay a deposit of 699 yuan ($101.55). The new energy shared cars can be rented for one yuan per kilometer plus 0.1 yuan per minute.

Gofun cars have certain parking spots in public parking lots, and users are charged until the vehicle is returned to its assigned area.


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