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Tianjin Daily life
From army surgeon to maternity matron – a new career begins
| Updated: 2017-08-02 09:50:14 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

In 2016, President Xi Jinping announced a reduction of 300,000 troops in the PLA. Wang obeyed the order and left the army despite knowing she had to be prepared for a loss.

One day, Wang received a call saying that a confinement hotel was recruiting for a head nurse with pediatric and maternity experience. After three rounds of interviews and practical examinations, Wang was eventually hired by the hotel.

From army surgeon to maternity matron – a new career begins

Wang massages a baby .[Photo/www.cnr.cn]

Just as she had done in the army, Wang dedicated herself to her position. Helping new parents learn how to raise babies, and taking care of the newborn for a month, Wang said that she feels a sense of accomplishment and is happy every day.

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