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2017 OI China Underwater Robot Competition kicks off in Tianjin
| Updated: 2017-09-19 10:57:55 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

On Sept 16, the 2017 OI China Underwater Robot Competition kicked off in the National Ocean Technology Center, Tianjin.

2017 OI China Underwater Robot Competition kicks off in Tianjin

2017 OI China Underwater Robot Competition is held in Tianjin on Sept 16. [Photo/Xinhua]

With a theme of "Innovative Underwater Robot", the competition attracted 45 teams from 19 colleges and universities nationwide, all eager to show their new techniques and communicate with each other.

OI China Underwater Robot Competition, relying on Oceanology International China (OI China) is an international competition for professional universities and colleges in oceanology.

Launched in 2013, the annual competition is now in its fourth year and aims to improve China's technical level of underwater robots and develop expertise.

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