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Tianjin Daily life
Theme activity for foreign talents
| Updated: 2018-06-06 15:40:54 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

On June 4, the Tianjin Municipal Foreign Experts Bureau organized the theme activity of "cleaning the city" for foreign talents working in Tianjin.

This theme activity aimed at increasing exchanges between China and foreign countries through public welfare activities and social networking, and building bridges between foreign talents working in Tianjin and the city.

Together with volunteers from the Fifth Avenue Minyuan Square, nearly 40 foreign talents from universities and enterprises in Tianjin participated in the environmental clean-up activities for public facilities.

Theme activity for foreign talents

Several foreigners are cleaning the guidepost. [Photo provided to exploringtianjin.com]

Theme activity for foreign talents

Several foreign talents are cleaning up the flower bed. [Photo provided to exploringtianjin.com]

Theme activity for foreign talents

Chinese volunteers and foreign experts are working together to clean the roadside barrier. [Photo provided to exploringtianjin.com]


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