Beijing round the clock
(China Daily)
Updated: 2007-08-08 12:13
Beijing residents buy vegetables at a local food market in northern Beijing. A new tracking system will immediately remove from source any contaminated organic food supplied to athletes and guests during the Games.
Numbers Games
It is estimated that during the Games, the Olympic Village will consume:
300 tons of vegetables and fruits
75,000 tons of milk
80 tons of seafood
3 million cans/bottles of beverages
21 tons of cheese
750 liters of ketchup
Early risers work out at the Temple of Earth Park.
Numbers Games
Since 1998, Beijing has spent more than 600 million yuan ($79.3m) and built more than 5,000 new sites for residents to exercise, one site for an average of over 2,000 Beijing residents.
By 2008, the city hopes more than half of its population will enjoy easy access to sports facilities.
A record number of 750,000 Beijing residents participated in a three-month-long community table tennis tournament that ended in May.
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