Opinion / From the Press

China's diplomacy promotes justice, fairness

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2012-11-30 22:15

Translated by Li Yang from People's Daily

The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China expounds on some new outlooks on Chinese diplomacy in the future, which not only concerns China's relations with the outside world, but also, to some extent, how they will influence the evolution of the international political landscape.

The report stresses the equality, mutual trust, cooperation and win-win principles of Chinese diplomacy to defend the justice and fairness of the international community. Peaceful dialogue and negotiations have long been China's approaches to solving international disputes and conflicts. China believes all countries are equal, and cooperation is the most practical way to dispel suspicion and deepen mutual trust.

Its stance of impartiality and pursuit for justice makes China stand tall in the arena of international politics.

The report also highlights the fact that China should try to construct new models of relations among big countries. The big countries shoulder more responsibilities in dealing with international affairs, especially in working toward solutions for global problems like climate change and terrorism. China should break the vicious cycle of the zero-sum game of big countries, and provide public products and services to the world together with the other big countries.

China will pay more attention to the security issue of sea, space, food and network. These fields concern the stability of the whole world.

China will also actively carry out its cultural and public diplomacy to promote mutual understanding through cultural and people-to-people communications across different cultures.

The peaceful rise of China is, in itself, a contribution to the world. While building new models of relations among big countries, China will do its best to actively participate in global governance and push the international order to develop in the right direction of justice and fairness.

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