Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Small, but essential step

By Xiong Lei (China Daily) Updated: 2012-12-11 07:50

We are still far from realizing our dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Even though we have become the world's second-largest economy we remain poor when our gross domestic product is divided by our huge population.

But even if every Chinese citizen becomes affluent, we still cannot afford ostentation and bureaucracy. As the ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius put it, a nation can "thrive in calamity but perish in ease and pleasure". Instead of rejuvenating the Chinese nation, extravagance and bureaucracy will only lead us to doom, as history has shown.

Extravagance, ostentation and bureaucracy belong to the decadence that once contributed to weakening China and turned it into an abyss of bitterness. They have nothing to do with the youth, vigor and energy that we need to regain the strength to revive China.

If we are earnest in our desire to realize the China Dream that has been the cherished aspiration of Chinese people for several generations, we have to be resolute in our efforts to do away with extravagance and bureaucracy. That is why the new CPC leaders' commitment to rejecting these decaying practices should be applauded.

During Xi's recent trip to Shenzhen, there were no traffic controls or ostentatious rituals, which minimized the disturbance and inconvenience to the public. Xi's example has been praised by many people and embodies a determination to follow a down-to-earth style.

This is an encouraging step toward achieving the goal of rejuvenating the nation, however trivial the step might seem.

The author is a guest professor of journalism at Renmin University of China.

(China Daily 12/11/2012 page8)

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