Opinion / From the Press

The case of vanishing garbage vats

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-12-19 08:09

Some of the new garbage containers installed by the Dalian government in Liaoning province have either been stolen or damaged. This is a matter of not only public convenience, but also law enforcement and urban management, says an article on xinhuanet.com. Excerpts:

Garbage containers have become an indispensable part of urban public facilities. If some of them are damaged or stolen, it would not only cause great inconvenience to people, but also result in more work for street cleaners and pollute a city's environment.

Theft and damage of garbage containers have been reported from cities other than Dalian, too, with such incidents being on the rise. And city governments have tried every possible way, unsuccessfully though, to stop the trend.

On one hand, law enforcers must take strict action against people stealing or damaging the containers. On the other, city officials must review their style of functioning and control measures.

People are stealing the containers because they fetch good money as scrap iron. Therefore, the best way to stop the practice is to change the material used for making the containers. Once there is no money to be made from the containers, people will not take the risk of stealing them.

(China Daily 12/19/2012 page9)

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