Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Will China host the World Cup?

By Gary Schwarz (China Daily) Updated: 2014-07-09 07:41

The fact that no Asian team reached the second round of the ongoing World Cup indicates that there is plenty of work ahead for Chinese footballers. Nurturing of creative talents is needed on the soccer field, as well as in many Chinese companies striving to transition from low-cost manufacturing into high-end innovation. Some experts say that a country can win the World Cup only if its children dream of growing up to be soccer stars. Hosting the tournament would enthuse in Chinese children the passion for soccer. And perhaps they will start dreaming about glory on the soccer field.

Besides, there is a tradition to build upon. As FIFA has acknowledged, a form of soccer was played in China during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). By hosting the World Cup, China would finally bring the game to its ancient origin.

President Xi Jinping, fond of the "beautiful game", has previously said that his wish is to see China host the World Cup.

During his visit to China last month, soccer star David Beckham said China could win the World Cup one day. If China gets to host the 2022 World Cup, it would be an important milestone in turning Beckham's remark and millions of Chinese soccer fans' hopes into reality.

The author is a faculty member at the Nottingham University Business School China and a Rajawali Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School's Ash Center.

Will China host the World Cup?


Will China host the World Cup?

Will China host the World Cup?

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