Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Support to Istanbul Process

By Li Keqiang (China Daily) Updated: 2014-11-04 07:29

First, Afghanistan must be governed by the Afghan people. This means that the Afghan people should be allowed to take their destiny into their own hands and truly become the masters of their country. At the end of the day, Afghan affairs should be managed by the Afghan people. We believe that the Afghan people have the ability and wisdom to run their own affairs well and ultimately achieve peace and stability in the country. The international community should truly respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, refrain from interfering in its internal affairs, and firmly support Afghanistan in its efforts to achieve security and stability at home.

Second, promote political reconciliation. As a Chinese saying goes, "Harmony at home brings prosperity". The Afghan people long for peace and stability. An Afghanistan fraught with internal strife will not be able to escape war or poverty. To achieve durable peace and prosperity in Afghanistan, it is imperative to promote a broad-based, inclusive political reconciliation. We call on all political parties in Afghanistan to leave behind past grievances, join the political reconciliation process, and discuss ways to achieve peace and development for their country. The international community should support an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process, and create an enabling external environment for peace and reconciliation to happen in Afghanistan.

Third, speed up economic reconstruction. Stability underpins development, while development guarantees stability. Poverty and backwardness breed extremism. Only when it is economically developed will Afghanistan ensure its people enjoy prosperous and happy lives. Only commitment to growing the economy will people's lives improve. There is an adage in China, "Give people fish and you feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime". The international community should fulfill its assistance commitment and help Afghanistan enhance its self-development capacity and realize sustained economic development.

Fourth, explore the path of development. Afghanistan faces the daunting task of rebuilding itself after the prolonged war and turbulence. It now stands at a crucial stage of national development. The unique history, culture and the national realities of Afghanistan have determined that there is no ready development model for it to copy. The future path of Afghanistan must be identified by the Afghan people in light of its national realities. The international community should respect the right of Afghan people to independently choose their own social system and development path, so that they can develop a way of governance that suits their national conditions and achieve enduring political stability and sustained economic development.

Fifth, provide stronger external support. Without support and assistance from the international community, especially from regional countries, Afghanistan will not be able to achieve genuine peace and stability. The international community should give firm support so Afghanistan can develop external relations on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit and, in particular, strengthen good-neighborly relations with other countries in the region. It should support Afghanistan in taking an active part in regional and international cooperation to integrate more deeply into regional economic cooperation. It should help Afghanistan build up its security capacity and support the United Nations in playing a leading role in coordinating international assistance, so that assistance efforts from various parties may complement and reinforce each other and form synergy.

Neighborly wish

China and Afghanistan have been neighbors from generation to generation. "Neighbors wish each other well, just as family members do". Peace and stability in Afghanistan have a direct bearing on China's security and stability. The Chinese government has firmly supported and actively participated in the Afghan peace and reconstruction process. Since 2001, China has exempted Afghanistan's matured debts, provided 1.52 billion yuan ($241 million) in grant assistance, and built a number of major projects to the benefit of the Afghan people's livelihood. These include the Kabul Republic Hospital, Parwan Hydraulic Project Rehabilitation Work, the National Education Center of Science and Technology, and the complex of the Chinese Language Department of Kabul University. China has also trained more than 1,000 Afghan professionals in various fields. China will continue to provide necessary assistance and support to Afghanistan, do what it can as a neighbor and fulfill its due responsibilities as a big developing country.

China firmly pursues a policy of friendship with Afghanistan, and remains committed to deepening mutually-beneficial cooperation with Afghanistan in various fields and promoting steady progress of the Strategic and Cooperative Partnership between the two countries.

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