Opinion / Editorials

A responsible world power

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-11-17 07:44

Joint efforts by as many countries as possible, major powers in particular, are essential to achieve sustainable global economic growth, which is of the upmost importance for everyone.

China, as the world's second-largest economy with the most dynamic economic growth in the world, hopes to do its bit to propel the global economy in right direction to the benefit of all.

As President Xi Jinping said in his speech at the G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia, China's economic growth is a major engine for global economic growth.

It is already one of the largest economic contributors to the overall growth strategies of the G20, according to the estimates of international organizations.

This is because of China's stable economic growth. China's annual economic increase now equates to the economic scale of a middle-level developed country.

And benefitting from its judicious policies to adjust its economic structure and further reforms to let more Chinese people enjoy the fruits of economic growth, China will provide more demand, create more market opportunities, investment opportunities and growth opportunities for the world economy, Xi said.

Behind President Xi's remarks are China's changing perception of its own role on the world stage and its understanding of how the joint efforts from the world's major powers can function to create a better future for us all.

Action speaks louder than words. And China's initiatives, including the launch of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank and its Silk Road Fund, as well as its efforts to forge a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, are concrete evidence that it is actively seeking to create a community of common destiny.

The innovative approach of development through reforms, paying attention to the important role infrastructure construction plays in stimulating economic growth; constructing an inclusive world economy, maintaining the multilateral trade system and cultivating the global market, and improving global economic governance to build a fair, just, inclusive and orderly international financial system are what Xi proposed to the G20 Summit.

The message is that China sincerely hopes that it can play its role as a responsible power and that it will continue to make great contributions to the world's economic development and the progress of human civilization.

That also explains why Xi called on the G20 members to cultivate the awareness of their common interests and common destiny so the group can truly become a stabilizer of the world economy, incubator of the world economic growth and propeller of the world economic governance.

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