Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

US protesters demand the right to live

By Eric Sommer (China Daily) Updated: 2014-12-01 07:33

A large amount of military equipment bought with this money has been turned over to civilian police departments, perhaps out of fear that declining living standards in the US could lead to mass unrest by American working people.

In 2013 alone, about $450 million worth of military equipment was transferred to civilian police departments. The transferred equipment includes military vehicles such as armored personnel carriers, and automatic rifles and grenades.

It's important to note that this military-grade equipment was being prepared for action not against a foreign country or an external enemy, but for possible use against American citizens. Though these military hardware were not used in most of the police killings, its deployment by civilian police departments signals the possibility - and the threat - of police using deadly military force against civilians.

This threat appeared in full view almost immediately after the death of Michael Brown. Millions of TV and Internet viewers beheld sights previously seen only in US foreign wars or enacted by foreign military and dictators in other countries. There were tanks in the streets and riot police decked in military camouflage were aiming their automatic rifles from atop military vehicles and platforms at demonstrators, and tear gas and rubber bullets were fired to quell protesters.

More than one Ferguson resident said it looked as if their city was "under military occupation". To add insult to injury, the policeman responsible for killing Michael Brown has been exonerated after a grand jury process held away from public view.

It is for these reasons, and because of the endless attacks on the basic human right to be alive, that the storm of protest and anger has swept through Ferguson and other cities of the US.

The author is a Canadian freelance writer.

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