Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Joining hands in tapping the potential of profound friendship

By Li Keqiang (China Daily) Updated: 2014-12-19 07:28

Fifth, explore new areas of people-to-people exchanges. This year, the number of outbound Chinese tourists totaled more than 100 million. We need to make good plans for the 2015 Year of China-CEEC Tourism Cooperation and Promotion to encourage and attract more Chinese visitors to the beautiful landscape of Central and Eastern Europe. We need to enhance our exchanges in science, technology, culture, health and between our youths, women and media, and support the establishment of a scholars and think tanks center. We need to expand our exchange in education so as to nurture more globally competitive talents. China will double the number of government scholarships provided for CEEC students. It is also hoped that visa application procedures will continue to be simplified to facilitate people-to-people exchanges. We need to give full play to the role of the Secretariat for Cooperation between China and CEECs and vigorously support the development of cooperation associations and other institutions and platforms, so that our cooperation will be flourishing across the board.

Europe, home to the largest number of developed countries, has a major role to play in the global political and economic architecture. China and the European Union are now working to build a partnership of peace, growth, reform and civilization. We are natural partners for cooperation as we have no conflict of fundamental interests. China firmly supports a multi-polar world moving toward globalization as well as the process of European integration. We hope to see a more united, prosperous and stable Europe and a strong euro. CEECs are an important part of Europe. China and the 16 countries in the region enjoy a profound traditional friendship, strong political mutual trust and deepening practical cooperation. Our closer cooperation will bring benefits not only to our countries, but also to Europe as a whole, as such cooperation will play an important role in facilitating balanced growth within Europe.

As the saying goes, "True gold never loses its color even after repeated smelting; and the same remains true for real friends." China and CEECs are already old friends, and we are each other's new partners of cooperation. Though we are geographically distant, we make each other close neighbors in our hearts. I believe through our joint efforts, China-CEEC cooperation will flourish and enjoy even brighter prospects. China is ready to host the China-CEEC leaders' meeting in 2015. We count on your support in this effort, and I am sure that together, we will be able to take China-CEEC cooperation to a new high. I look forward to seeing you again in Beijing next year.

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