Opinion / Ma Chenguang

Scaling China's mountaintops in breathtaking triathlon

By Ma Chenguang (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2016-06-21 14:41

Scaling China's mountaintops in breathtaking triathlon

Zeng Lei from Shandong province finishes third for Age Group 45-54 at the 113km triathlon race by carrying his wife Zheng Yuhua on the finishing line. [Virus / for China Daily]

A touch of family love

Wan Liuyang, from the Singapore, was an avid athlete involved in triathlons, having run in Malaysia, Singapore and the United States. This time, he finished fourth for age group 18-24.

But his parents were even more excited. Driving from Wuhan in neighboring Hubei province to Huangshan, the couple did not want to miss the event.

"It's the first time we have seen our son in such a competition, as we never had chances to meet him in races abroad," his mother said.

"At first, we did not understand how come our kid likes triathlons. But now, having seen that he founded the Sino-Singaporean Tri Club in Singapore with 100-odd members, inspiring many people, we came to see his point," she said. "So I told his father, 'now that we cannot change him, let's change our mind then. And support him.'"

Zeng Lei, finishing third for Age Group 45-54 and coming from the Luneng Group Tri Club in Shandong province, really felt challenged by the 113km triathlon race --- his first ever.

"The course is really tough, but I felt extremely happy upon arrival. And I celebrated the moment by running the finishing line with my wife," he affirmed.

As a very happy couple, his wife Zheng Yuhua --- a former volleyball player --- always accompanies him in every event. "I think cycling is more dangerous for him and I'm a bit worried. So previously, I usually accompanied him for practice. As he got used to it, he would now never go out for a race unless I come along," she said.

The two-day event, sponsored by Country Garden(02007.HK), has also received full support from Huangshan District, Huangshan Scenic Spot Management Committee, Taiping Lake Scenic Spot Management Committee and the Incredible Huangshan Co., Ltd.

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