Opinion / Hot Words

中国方案(zhōngguó fāng'àn): Chinese solution

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-07-07 07:29

At an event marking the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China on Friday in Beijing, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, said that CPC members and the Chinese people are confident they can offer a Chinese solution to mankind's exploration for better social systems.

There are a few characteristics of the Chinese solution: independence, target-oriented and sustainable development, as well as stable and consistent policy, a ruling party that represents the majority of the Chinese people and guarantees both economic development and people's livelihoods, and a friendly, peaceful, win-win attitude in international affairs.

In his speech Xi urged the whole Party to strengthen confidence in "the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics," and pointed out that socialism with Chinese characteristics should be evaluated not by "people with tinted glasses," but by the Chinese people, based on facts.

His speech reflects the Party's confidence in its own political practice and social development, and was a resolute response to Western bias against the Party.

As a developing country with a huge population, China is exploring a development path that is different from that of developed countries. After several decades, China has made great achievements in social and economic development. Now it's time to summarize that experience for further improvement.

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