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Is it selfish to take a child on a long-haul flight?

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-01-13 17:01

Janelle (China)

It is totally ludicrous to suggest that people are selfish for flying with their babies. As you say, pretty much everyone books flights for their own reasons and a parent with a new baby shouldn't have to be any different. Parents and babies have as much right to be there as anyone else and babies cry, it's hardly a newsflash, so as frustrating as it might be listening to it, it's just part and parcel of what you sign up for when you fly, if you want a guarantee of no babies on board, don't fly!!

Is it selfish to take a child on a long-haul flight?

Flights of Air China are parked on the tarmac of Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing, March 28, 2016.[Photo/Agencies]

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