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Review of the International Intellectual Property Forum 2013

The theme of The 10th Shanghai International Intellectual Property Forum is “Intellectual Property and Innovation Environment”.

Agenda of the International Forum on Intellectual Property 2013

IP Policies and Innovation Environment, IP Services and Innovation Environment, IP Talents and Innovation Environment.

Agenda of the International Forum on Intellectual Property 2012

The IP System towards the Future, The CapacityBuildingfor IP Creation, The Infrastructure Up-grading for IP Services, The Environment Improvement for IP Protection.

Review of the International Intellectual Property Forum 2012

The development of a city’s soft power is closely related to its IP work. Perfecting the IP system is the inevitable requirement of cultural development, brand building and technology creation.

Agenda of the International Forum on Intellectual Property 2011

Development Policy & Environment for the IP Marketplace, Best Practices of Trading Platforms in Today's IP Marketplace, All-round Service Infrastructure for the IP Marketplace.

Agenda of the International Forum on Intellectual Property 2010

Role of IP in Innovation-driven Policies for Innovative Cities, IP and Upgrade of Industrial Structure in Innovative Cities, IP and Innovation Support Environment in Innovative Cities.

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