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China Daily Website

Russia, US, China, key strategic partners: Ukraine

Updated: 2012-07-03 20:49
( Xinhua)

KIEV - Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych told lawmakers here Tuesday Russia, the United States and China are the country's major strategic partners.

In his annual address to the parliament, Yanukovych said Ukraine had been trying to build a system of strategic relationships with other nations in accordance with the country's modernization policy in a "globalized world."

"Cooperation with Russia, the United States and China acquires particular importance," he said.

He also said Kiev recognized the importance of further developing constructive and equal ties with Moscow, particularly given his nation's dependence on Russia's energy exports.

Ukraine also attached great importance to its relations with China, he said.

Yanukovych said attracting Chinese investment and technology opportunities was a priority for the cooperation between Kiev and Beijing, adding the two nations could also work together to further tap the potential in trade.

Ukraine is ready to provide Chinese companies with interesting proposals in minerals exploration and mining, metallurgy, and the chemical industry, the president said.

The two countries also have broad prospects for cooperation in agriculture, he said.
