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  • Coffee made from cat droppings 'ok'

    2010-07-21 07:20

    Indonesia's top Islamic body declared on Tuesday that Muslims can drink civet coffee - the world's most expensive coffee - which is extracted from the dung of civet cats.

  • Man caught smuggling 18 monkeys at Mexico airport

    2010-07-20 08:31

    A man with a mysterious bulge under his T-shirt was stopped, searched and detained at Mexico City's international airport after authorities found 18 tiny endangered monkeys in a girdle he was wearing.

  • Naked man draws crowd in armed Aussie standoff

    2010-07-20 08:14

    An armed man wearing nothing but a holster and standing on top of a billboard brought an Australian city to a standstill during a lengthy altercation with police.

  • Russian betting firm wants to hire octopus Paul

    2010-07-19 17:21

    A Russian betting firm said they would like to pay octopus Paul a good salary to be their bookmaker, local media reported on Monday.

  • US tree decorated with shoes since 1940s burns

    2010-07-18 14:41

    US Forest Service officials in northern Idaho say the rubber-soled decorations that made the "shoe tree" a beloved Priest River landmark also helped fuel its demise.

  • Divers find 200-year old champagne in Baltic wreck

    2010-07-18 09:27

    Divers have discovered what is thought to be the world's oldest drinkable champagne in a shipwreck in the Baltic Sea, one of the finders said Saturday. They tasted the one bottle they've brought up so far before they even got back to shore.

  • Philippine president says he's tired of text scams

    2010-07-16 11:46

    Not even presidents are spared cell phone text scams. Philippine President Benigno Aquino III complained to reporters about the time he spent dealing with text messages from a person abroad claiming to be his sibling -- and asking for money.

  • 4-time Texas lotto winner rich with money, mystery

    2010-07-14 14:43

    The odds that Joan Ginther would hit four Texas Lottery jackpots for a combined nearly $21 million are astronomical. Mathematicians say the chances are as slim as 1 in 18 septillion — that's 18 and 24 zeros.

  • Scrap-wood dinosaur posing modern-day problem

    2010-07-12 09:21

    Does a 25-foot-tall, 122-foot-long dinosaur need a permit to avoid extinction? That's the unlikely dilemma posed by a whimsical sculpture "Vermontasaurus".

  • Netanyahu bodyguards' guns go missing on US visit

    2010-07-08 10:39

    Four handguns belonging to the bodyguards of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have disappeared from airline cargo during a US visit, Israel's Shin Bet security service said on Wednesday.

  • Goat 'beauty contest' in Lithuania

    2010-07-06 10:54

    Goats and their owners wait for the start of a goat "beauty contest" in Ramygala, about 150 km (93 miles) from the capital Vilnius, July 5, 2010. Thirteen goats were entered into the competition which was held to commemorate the 640th anniversary of the founding of the village that was declared this year as the capital of Lithuanian culture.

  • Alligator nabbed on streets of German town

    2010-07-02 07:35

    See you later, gator.
