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  • Pilots pray, land near Jesus sign

    2008-05-22 16:09

    It seemed like an almost literal answer to their prayers. When two New Zealand pilots ran out of fuel in a microlight airplane they offered prayers and were able to make an emergency landing in a field - coming to rest right next to a sign reading, "Jesus is Lord."

  • Woman caught living in closet

    2008-05-30 21:02

    A homeless woman who sneaked into a man's house and lived undetected in his closet for a year was arrested in Japan after he became suspicious when food mysteriously began disappearing.

  • Woman, 96, does laps at Indy

    2008-05-22 11:07

    A 96-year-old great-great-grandmother says it was "fun" going around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway at 180 mph.

  • Lost parrot speaks out his address

    2008-05-22 09:34

    When Yosuke the parrot flew out of his cage and got lost, he did exactly what he had been taught - recite his name and address to a stranger willing to help.

  • Twin found inside girl's stomach

    2008-05-16 09:50

    A 9-year-old girl who went to hospital in central Greece suffering from stomach pains was found to be carrying her embryonic twin, doctors said Thursday.

  • Woman indicted in hoax suicide

    2008-05-16 08:07

    A 49-year-old Missouri woman accused of pretending to be a love-struck teenage boy on MySpace and drove a 13-year-old girl to suicide with cruel messages was indicted on Thursday on federal charges.

  • Ants foul electronics

    2008-05-15 07:06

    Voracious swarming ants that apparently arrived in Texas aboard a cargo ship are invading homes and yards across the Houston area, shorting out electrical boxes and messing up computers.

  • Woman mistaken for a man settles NY lawsuit

    2008-05-14 07:46

    A woman ejected from the female restroom after a New York City restaurant mistook her for a man has settled her discrimination lawsuit for $35,000, she said on Tuesday.

  • Man pokes shark in eye during attack

    2008-05-13 09:50

    An Australian swimmer survived a great white shark attack by poking the creature in the eyes as it dragged him through the water after badly savaging his left leg.

  • Men charged after skull dug up

    2008-05-12 11:43

    Authorities in Texas have filed corpse-abuse charges against two men who allegedly removed a skull from a grave and used it as a bong.

  • Woman pays off 1976 parking ticket issued in Mich.

    2008-05-12 10:30

    Police in this Upper Peninsula town had forgotten about the $1 parking ticket written on Sept. 1, 1976. But the woman who had found it on her windshield hadn't.

  • Sexy orchids do more than embarrass wasps?

    2008-05-10 20:00

    Orchids that mimic female wasps may not only waste the time of the male wasps they lure into spreading their pollen -- they also seduce them into wasting valuable sperm, Australian researchers reported on Wednesday.
