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Metro Beijing

New teams to protect rail and air travelers

Updated: 2011-01-31 07:53
( China Daily)

Travelers using the capital's international airport and its fast-growing rail and underground network will be protected in the future by special fire-fighting teams.

Beijing Daily quoted an insider from the fire department as saying that the organization's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) calls for not only the establishment of the new units but massive upgrades to fire-fighting equipment.

The city's fire department expects to have a fire-fighting brigade at the airport and six brigades protecting the railway network as soon as possible.

"The building up of the fire department emphasizes its increased professionalism in the next five years while focusing on the coverage of the whole city with more fire stations than in the previous five-year program," said Ma Jianmin, director of the department's planning review section.

The department is also planning to buy two helicopters that will help with the detection and fighting of fires and the rescue of victims.

Firefighters in the new teams will be trained in subway rescues, anti-terrorism efforts and emergency rescues, said Ma.

The renewal of vehicles and promotion of 3G communication technology will happen during the coming three years.

The department will take delivery of 21 fire trucks with high-elevation capability, 28 large-ton water tankers and 28 large-scale foam fire trucks. Much of that equipment will be destined for rural districts and counties this year. In addition, each branch of the department will have a high-expansion fire-extinguishing trailer.

3G integrated circuit cards installed on cameras and wireless communications equipment will let firefighters capture video of scenes and relay them to the control center where commanders will use the information to better plan strategies.

The fire department will also turn its attention to risks affecting high-rise buildings and underground shelters, as well as look to deal with blocked emergency lanes during the coming five-year period, said Sun Fu, chief of the department's legal affairs section.

The department will inspect high-rises and underground shelters to ensure they have adequate fire-fighting equipment.
