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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

Couples target mall's kissing contest to promote gay rights

Updated: 2011-02-14 07:49
By Todd Balazovic and Li Jiabao ( China Daily)

Gay and lesbian couples are planning to raise awareness of homosexuality in China this Valentine's Day by entering a kissing contest in the capital.

Volunteers from the Beijing Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Center will enter the Creative Kissing Competition, sponsored by the New World department store, with the hope of providing an "opportunity for the public to understand the LGBT community".

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"It'll be an opportunity to connect with the straight public," said 25-year-old Ash Wang, Chinese project manager at the center, which acts as a resource for homosexuals in Beijing.

Four volunteers - one gay and one lesbian couple - will attempt to join the competition, which will be staged outside the department store in Chongwen district. Others from the center will pass out free roses to the crowd, said Wang.

"We want to let more people in society see homosexuals. That way, it will make it more possible for them to accept us," she said.

The annual event at the New World department store normally only attracts heterosexual couples looking to score the best Valentine's kiss, with winners judged on who can remain lip-locked for the longest period.

Zhang Jing, a public relations spokeswoman for the event, initially told METRO that "anyone can take part as long as they go to the New World shopping mall".

However, later she added that gay and lesbian couples would be barred from competing, although this has not been advertised.

No homosexual couple has ever tried to enter the competition before, she added. More than 20 heterosexual couples have already signed up for the event, even though registration ahead of time was not required.

While the move may ignite a storm among equality campaigners and those opposed to same-sex relationships, Wang at the LGBT Center said she hoped the kissing contest organizers will understand and allow the volunteers to take part.

"We thought about whether or not there might be resistance, but on the other hand there are many same-sex couples that have been involved in similar competitions across Beijing and met with no resistance," she said. "It's a very peaceful campaign."

This is not the first time the LGBT Center has attempted to raise awareness about homosexuality in the capital. In January last year, volunteers organized the country's first Mr Gay pageant, although police shut down the event on the grounds that it did not have the proper permission.

Homosexuality in China also came under the spotlight last month when what was billed as the country's first gay marriage took place in Beijing between two men. The union was not considered legal, as marriage between same-sex couples is not recognized in China.
