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China Daily Website

Metro Beijing

Getting your wheels

Updated: 2011-03-07 08:01
( China Daily)

You will need your passport, your temporary residency certificate and a driving license issued by a Chinese traffic bureau.

Since December 2010, owning a car has got a little more complicated as potential buyers first need to apply for a car license registration, which will be decided by lotteries drawn once a month. If you don't get one, you automatically join the next round (the chances of an applicant getting a license in February is reportedly 6 in 100).

Once you get your registration, you can buy a car.

If you want a new car, head for any retail outlet, but if you want a used one head to a used car market, such as Huaxiang, Beijing's largest, located on the South Fourth Ring Road, and transfer the ownership.

The final step is registering the license with the municipal vehicle management bureau at 18 Nansihuan Donglu, Chaoyang district, 6839-7905.

Of course you can also find an auto club to do everything for you.
